Episode 33: This Dream Is Not For You (featuring Wade Joye)

Telling stories of turning transition into transformation. There is Life After Ministry.



What do you do when God asks you to let go of the dream you’ve built your life around? Wade Joye, former worship leader at Elevation Church, shares his personal story of facing that very question. We talk about the book he wrote: This Dream Is Not For You. In this episode of Life After Ministry, Wade opens up about the moment Pastor Steven Furtick asked him to consider if he was willing to release what he was good at to embrace what God was calling him to be great at. Wade wrestled with letting go of his role as a worship leader—a dream he thought would last a lifetime—but in surrendering it, he discovered a deeper purpose.

This episode speaks directly to those in ministry transition and the decision-makers tasked with helping others move forward. We explore the often painful process of releasing control and trusting God with an unknown future. Wade’s story is an encouragement to anyone navigating the loss of a role, identity, or dream, helping you recognize that God may be writing a greater story, even when the one you’re living seems to be falling apart.

In this raw and honest conversation, Wade shares how embracing new dreams led him to a more fulfilling and joyful life, despite the fear and uncertainty along the way. From his pivotal conversation with Pastor Furtick to finding his calling beyond vocational ministry, Wade emphasizes that true peace and fulfillment often only come after we release our grip on our own plans and trust God with our whole lives. This episode is a must-listen for anyone facing ministry transitions, looking for hope and guidance as they step into the unknown.


  • Letting go of our own dreams can open the door to God's greater plans for us.

  • Ministry transitions, while painful, are often part of God's way of refining us and leading us into a new season of purpose.

  • Trusting the guidance of leaders and God's timing can help us navigate through uncertainty and discover new callings.

  • Our identity should not be defined by what we do (such as a job or ministry role), but by who we are in Christ.

  • Calling is more about who we are becoming in Jesus than about a specific role or career path.

  • Leadership transitions create opportunities for others to step into their God-given roles, making room for new growth in the church or organization.

  • True peace and fulfillment often come only after we release our grip on our own plans and trust God with our entire lives.

  • Developing a healthy inner world, focusing on our spiritual and emotional health, is essential for effective leadership and finding joy in new assignments.


00:00 - Introduction and Welcome

00:38 - Wade’s Journey and the Story Behind the Book

04:15 - The Turning Point: Pastor Steven Furtick’s Challenge

06:10 - Wrestling with the Dream and Trusting Leadership

08:05 - Transitioning into New Roles and Calling

12:13 - Redefining Calling: Identity vs. Assignment

14:03 - Stepping Away from Elevation Church

17:31 - Finding Joy in Letting Go and Creating Space for Others

20:42 - True Peace and Fulfillment After Letting Go

25:13 - Wade’s Ministry Today: Coaching and The Joyful Leader Program

29:04 - Final Thoughts and Encouragement


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